Red Dead Redemption is a great game. It’s a massive step up from its prequel that many have long forgotten. But there’s no denying that there are some features and quirks not everyone is so in love with. Before we move ahead, we must make note that this is OUR opinion! So there is a good chance that many of you may not agree with this.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Taking Care of the Farm and Ranch
Red Dead Redemption is full of all kind of tedious “missions.” In reality, they’re more like busy work in the form of odd jobs. Horse breaking, taking care of farms and ranches, slow stuff like that.Nightwatch missions are a little more interesting, but they still see you patrolling the same patch of dirt back and forth, over and over again. Then you have to go to town and buy and sell all kinds of seeds and food. It’s a great example of why video games shouldn’t always seek to replicate life 100%.