Capcom have released a new trailer detailing the various multiplayer modes found in Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City. Check it out and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Take on the role of the bad guys with USS members Vector, Beltway, Lupo, Four-Eyes, Spectre or Bertha. Alternatively play as the good guys and experience the horrors of Raccoon City as Tweed, Dee-ay, Harley, Willow, Shona or Party Girl, members of the US Spec Ops that were revealed earlier this week in the Triple Impact trailer – Meet them in person by downloading their new character art on the press site. Breaking the conventions of traditional third person shooters, players will not only have to compete against the opposing squad but tackle a third unpredictable force as zombies and B.O.W.s add to the mix.
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City delivers a true third person team based shooter experience set within the dark and sinister Resident Evil universe and a reinterpretation of the events depicted in Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3.