Saints Row: The Third Remastered launched nearly a year ago, delivering an updated and touched up version of Volition’s bombastic and beloved open world action title. On PC, however, the game launched as an Epic Games Store exclusive- and if you’ve been waiting for it to arrive on Steam, there’s good news for you.
It’s been confirmed via the series’ official Twitter account that Saints Row: The Third Remastered is coming to Steam soon. It will launch for Valve’s digital platform on May 22, exactly a year after its initial release, which means that the game’s exclusivity period for Epic Games Store is coming to an end.
As for the future of the franchise, publisher THQ Nordic confirmed in 2019 that Saints Row 5 was deep in development at Volition, but there haven’t been a lot of updates on the game since then. With E3 coming up, we’re hoping to see something concrete soon, but that’s little more than wishful thinking right now.
Saints Row: The Third Remastered, meanwhile, is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.
Yes May 22
— Saints Row (@SaintsRow) April 28, 2021