Mojang’s third game, a strategy RPG called Scrolls, finally has a release date. The game will be entering into open beta on June 3rd, and can be purchased for £13/€15/$20 for PC and Mac. The Minecraft developer also has a very helpful mini-guide up to help players get started and explain what the beta provides as the weeks.
The developer has also released a new trailer and artwork for the game which can be viewed above and below (not necessarily in that order).
Scrolls is a very odd hybrid title, and was developed by Jakob Porsér and Markus Persson. It was conceived as combining elements from both trading card games and board games, and developed using the Unity engine. Naturally, coming from the minds of Minecraft, there will be a lot more to Scrolls than meets the eye. Stay tuned for more updates on the game as the open beta commences.