After Microsoft confirmed yesterday that the Xbox One would be launching in China, Sony seems to be following suit- Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has opened up a new ‘China strategy branch,’ which will be led by Takehito Soeda.
This isn’t an announcement of an official release of the PS4 in the country, but it seems extremely likely now- China reversed its ban on gaming consoles a few months ago, and with Microsoft and Nintendo both either already having a presence in China, or intending to have one soon, it’s only a matter of time before Sony jumps all in there as well.
Of course, whether the Chinese market is receptive and actually an important factor in the next generation of console wars is a entirely different matter- people expected the Indian market to be crucial in the console wars once the console manufacturers started focusing on it roughly a decade ago, and while the Indian market is certainly rapidly growing, its overall contribution to the numbers is negligible. China too may turn out the same way.