Sony starts up the hype-storm with their new official E3 Teaser video.
Sony press conference will be occurring on Monday, June 10th at 6 PM Pacific and will last for about 2 hours. Get ready to see new next-generation beginning of PlayStation 4. Sony will also squeeze in some new PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita announcements.
I am betting my money that the majority of the time will be spent on showcasing the PlayStation 4 hardware itself, teasing new next-gen titles, new tech demos and of course demonstrating the functionality of the new and updated PlayStation Network on the PlayStation 4.
This is going to be an enormous day for everyone in the gaming industry, including the journalists, gamers and game companies across the entire world and of course Sony themselves.
E3 2013 is almost here ladies and gentlemen, come aboard the hype-train the party is just getting started.
Let us know how excited you are for E3 and post your Sony press conference predictions in the comments below.
Check back on GamingBolt as we get closer and closer to the event.