Sony’s had a fantastic year in 2017- the PS4 cemented its utter domination, and Sony had a great lineup of exclusives, frontlined by their own incredible exclusives, such as Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, and of course Horizon: Zero Dawn. It was a stunning showing- and we already know that Sony has a whole lot more to offer next year, something that the European Sony XDev account made sure to point out in their latest tweet.
“Wait till you see what’s in store,” they said- and of course, we already know that 2018 will be a bumper year for Sony on this front. In terms of first party exclusives, we can look forward to Detroit, Shadow of the Colossus, Dreams, God of War, Days Gone, Ghosts of Tsushima, and Spider-Man, plus upcoming releases for MidEvil, The Last of Us Part 2, and Death Stranding. It’s pretty evident that Sony has a whole lot in store- and this is without getting into what they might further announce next year, too!
So yes, it’s been a great 2017- now to see what Sony brings us in 2018.
If you thought 2017 was good, wait til you see what we have in 2018 #Lovegames
— PlayStation Studios XDEV (@Sony_XDEV) December 21, 2017