Yesterday, both powerhouse developers and publishers, EA and Sqaure Enix, filed new CTM’s for what would appear to be unannounced products or projects. Both of these community trademarks were filed on March 17th of 2015 and are filed for game software and entertainment services.
Square Enix have filed for World of Assassination, which could perhaps tie into their new and upcoming open world Hitman game. World of Assassination could be a mobile tie-in app, possibly in the same vain as Hitman GO, the successful mobile game. More on this as and when it’s available.
EA have filed for Unravel. There’s absolutely nothing known about Unravel at this time and thus speculation is rife. NeoGAF forum users have been speculating that EA are going to try their hand at the MOBA genre again whereas others have speculated that this might be something Criterion are working on. Other speculation points towards a rebuilt and reworked version of the recently cancelled Shadow Realms that was rumoured to have been remade into a single player RPG by Bungie.
This March 12th also marked the third trademark filing for Sony’s The Last Guardian.