In an exclusive interview with GamingBolt, Stardock CEO Brad Wardell revealed that the company had no plans to support the Nintendo Switch, citing the hardware being too different from the other major systems on the market. Wardell did add that Nintendo is one of those systems that doesn’t need good third party support to be successful, however- but it looks like his comments went down poorly with some fans regardless.
This prompted Wardell to take to his Twitter, to clarify what he meant further. He pointed out that he likes the Switch as a gamer- but he has to approach it as a developer, where the question of the Switch’s architecture versus the other systems (ARM vs x86) comes into question. This makes the Xbox One and PS4 easier to support than the Switch, and it is also a strategy that makes sense for Nintendo, since it lets them keep prices down.
Responding to some fans who alleged that Xbox One and PS4 also launched with weaker hardware for their time, especially relative to PC, Wardell pointed out that their hardware was never this severely lacking, except for the graphics memory on Xbox One.
At this point, Daniel Perez, PR Manager of Stardock, jumped in and pointed out that Stardock loves the Switch- it’s just the question of development that’s a bit sticky. That said, he did point out that the furore had made him curious on the potential demand for Stardock games on the Switch- is this potentially opening up a door for Stardock games on Switch? Who knows? Companies ultimately follow the money, and if Stardock was convinced that the Switch has enough of an audience for its games, I am sure it would look into porting its games to the platform.
As a gamer, I like the Switch. But as a game developer, our current titles are based on PC hardware architecture.
— Brad Wardell (@draginol) April 25, 2017
Thus, Xbox and PS4 are easier support in the future than Switch.
— Brad Wardell (@draginol) April 25, 2017
allows them to keep prices down.
— Brad Wardell (@draginol) April 25, 2017
no. Both had good hw but Xbox ones graphics memory was weak.
— Brad Wardell (@draginol) April 26, 2017
With that said, I'm curious if @Stardock fans would WANT to see our games on the Switch. Maybe we should take a poll or something.
— Daniel Perez ダニエル ペレス (@thebeebsta) April 25, 2017