Archive For Crytek Tag

FPS MMO in the works at Crytek

FPS MMO in the works at Crytek

Although Crysis 2 is already in the works and is set for release some time in 2010, Crytek are already busy on their next project; a Massively Multiplayer Online FPS. According to a Linkedln profile, ... Read More

Crytek Teaming up with Universities to hook students on CryENGINE 3

Crytek Teaming up with Universities to hook students on CryENGINE 3

We all know the technological prowess of Crytek's CryENGINE 3. But Crytek are taking it one step ahead by teaming up with universities and getting students to hooked on the CryENGINE 3. Crytek's R&... Read More