Archive For DICE Tag

Over 3.5 million people have downloaded the Bad Company 2 demo

Over 3.5 million people have downloaded the Bad Company 2 demo

According to a recent tweet from EA, over 3.5 million people have downloaded the sneak peek on 360 and PS3. Game out 3/2! Demo ends 2/25Read More

DICE: “Have some patience” on Co-op for Bad Company 2

DICE: “Have some patience” on Co-op for Bad Company 2

Battlefield Bad Company 2 is growing out to be a highly anticipated game of 2010 with DICE throwing whatever they got in the game. But feature that has been constantly bugging fans is whether a c... Read More

Mirrors Edge 2 in development

Mirrors Edge 2 in development

In 2009, DICE released a new game in FPS genre, a game in which you can feel the adrealine rush, pull off acrobatic moves and loads of other stuff seen in action movies. However Mirrors Edge wasn't ta... Read More