Archive For Mega Man X Legacy Collection Tag

Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X Legacy Collection Sold Well, Says Capcom

Mega Man 11 and Mega Man X Legacy Collection Sold Well, Says Capcom

The franchise may yet have a bright future.

Monster Hunter World is the First Capcom Title to Ship Over 10 Million Units

Monster Hunter World is the First Capcom Title to Ship Over 10 Million Units

Capcom reported profits thanks to the game's PC release in August.

Mega Man X9 Not in Development, Mega Man 11 Using MT Framework

Mega Man X9 Not in Development, Mega Man 11 Using MT Framework

However, Capcom says it's "actively and carefully monitoring" reactions from players.

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2 Review – The Saga of X and Zero

Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1+2 Review – The Saga of X and Zero

Nostalgia overload.

Eight Mega Man X Games Will Be Split Among Two Legacy Collections

Eight Mega Man X Games Will Be Split Among Two Legacy Collections

The ratings given by the Australian Ratings Board suggests that the games will be released as part of two separate collections.