5. Bring back Snake
‘Snake is dead and buried.’ This a reply I often get when I ask my colleagues if we will see the legendary hero again. I know that the MGS Saga is over now, with the amazing conclusion of MGS4, but you never know. I mean, it’s hard to bury a hero whose name alone has managed to ship millions of copies and consoles. So in all honesty, we don’t know whether Kojima will do this but as Snake said in MGS4, “Old Soldiers Never Die.”
4. Metal Gear Solid 5 Should be an MG and/or MG2 remake
This is the most ideal scenario as far as the setting is concerned. Metal Gear Solid 5 might actually be a compilation of the two lost games in the saga. Obviously back than there was no raw processing power of the consoles we see today and now with the power of next generation video game systems a remake of the classic would blow us all away. It would be paradise for us MGS fans. After all, fans have been literally begging for years for remakes of the original Metal Gear classics.
3. Battle between Snake and Big Boss
Nothing can beat the amazing fight scene between Liquid and Snake on top of Outer Haven. But if there is a fight that we have been dying to see, it is between Big Boss and Snake. And if MGS5 is a remake of the classics, we may just have this dream come to life. If I remember correctly, Big Boss just owns Snake at the end of MGS4 with a friendly CQC.
2. Grey Fox as a playable character
At the beginning of classic Metal Gear, Gray Fox was sent in to check what was happening in Outer Heaven, but later Foxhound looses track of him and sends in a rookie named Solid Snake. Now how cool will it be if Kojima gives the player a chance to play as Gray Fox during the initial stages of the game. Just like the remakes, fans have been dying to play as Gray Fox too.
1. Bring back comic style cutscenes
For some reason I really started liking the comic style cutscenes in Peace Walker. That is exactly what I want to see replace the real time custcenes in MGS5. I know that a sense of reality will be lost by doing that, but it also gives a more casual look at a hardcore franchise. Plus I think the developers could show more fancy effects this way.
So what do you want to see in the Metal Gear Solid 5? Let us know in the comments below.