The Callisto Protocol Guide – All Weapons And Items, Their Schematics Locations And How To Upgrade Them To Max Level

A complete guide to all the weapons, their schematic locations and upgrades in the game.

Posted By | On 07th, Dec. 2022

the callisto protocol

There are not a lot of weapons and items in The Callisto Protocol. While some are provided at the beginning of the game, the rest you have to search for as you keep playing. You can equip any combination of weapons depending on your playstyle, but you have to upgrade them as the enemies get tougher. This guide discusses all of the weapon and items locations along with the different upgrades available for each of them.

There are seven different weapons and items (nine if you count the Shiv and the Pickaxe) in the game. Four of them unlock automatically during the story. You’ll have to find the schematics for the rest. Although there is no best loadout, the following weapon combinations seemed to work best for most players:

  • Stun Baton – For close up encounters.
  • Skunk Gun – Perfect for dealing high damage at super close distances.
  • Riot Gun – High damage dealer if you want to quickly kill enemies. You can switch with the Tactical Pistol if you have good aim.
  • Hand Cannon – Go to damage dealers at a respectable distance. You can switch with the Assault Rifle if you have decent aiming skills.

With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the locations and upgrades for each of the in-game weapons.


Jacob gives you the shiv during the Outbreak chapter so that you can defend yourself as you navigate the dark corridors of the Black Iron Prison.


You can find the Pickaxe during the Outbreak Chapter inside the Central Central tower. It’s not an upgradeable weapon.

Stun Baton

  • The first weapon you unlock in the game is the Stun Baton, after playing for about an hour.
  • The Stun Baton is obtained in the Outbreak Chapter, where you come across a guard lying next to a command console.
  • It is similar to pickaxe but the Stun Baton is upgradeable at a Forge.
  • It will replace the Pickaxe.
Upgrade (Unlock Cost)DescriptionFeaturesCost
Riot Control Swing (300)Heavier but slower attacks.Damage Upgrade 1 – More damage

Damage Upgrade 2 – Even more damage
900 for Upgrade 1

2700 for Upgrade 2
Block Counter Attack (300)A follow up attack after blocking an enemy strike.Blocking Protection – Reduce the amount of damage taken while blocking

Blocking Feedback Damage – Damages an enemy while blocking.
900 for Upgrade 1

2700 for Upgrade 2
Velocity Alloy Sheath (300)Increase combo length.Block Break – Break the enemy’s arm if they try to block a strike.

Targeting Module – Increases the probability to snap to a critical part of the body after a combo.
900 for Upgrade 1

2700 for Upgrade 2

Tip: Focus on the Riot Control Swing and Velocity Sheath paths. The first level upgrades are cheap and are more impactful during a fight.


  • The GRP can be found during the Aftermath Chapter of the game.
  • It is located next to the back entrance of the Medical area.
  • The weapon is obtained from a dead guy lying on a stretcher.
  • The GRP is a flexible weapon that can be used to pick up both enemies and explosive canisters.
UpgradeDescriptionFeatures + Cost
Recharge RateIncrease the GRP recharge rate.Small: 300
Medium: 900
Max: 2700
EnergyIncrease the GRP’s energy capacity.Small: 300
Medium: 900
Max: 2700
GRP VelocityIncrease GRP launch strength.Small: 300
Medium: 900
Max: 2700

Tip: Use the GRP to create space in close quarter combat. To get the most out of it, look for spinning fans, spiked walls, and fire chasms to throw your enemies into. Practice using the GRP in short bursts and focus on its recharge rate and velocity. Keep the energy capacity upgrade for last.

Hand Cannon

Elias gives you the Hand Cannon after you reunite with him during the Aftermath chapter. It’s one of the more powerful weapons in the entire game, and you’ll be using it quite often.

StabilityReduces weapon recoil upon firing200
High Capacity MagazineIncreases clip size to a total of 10 rounds.200
Magnum RoundsDeals more damage600
TK23 BulletsUnlocks an alternate fire mode with explosive rounds1800


  • The weapon has an alternate mode that uses five rounds of ammunition instead of one.
  • Use the alternate mode with caution as it can quickly deplete your ammo reserves.
  • Due to its high stopping power, the weapon is best used in close quarters or cramped spaces where stealth is not an option.
  • It is recommended to upgrade the magazine size and magnum rounds first before getting the stability and TK23 bullets.

Skunk Gun

  • The Skunk Gun is a shotgun pistol that can take down most enemies with just one shot.
    Its small magazine size makes it less effective in group fights.
  • The Skunk Gun is the first optional weapon in the game, and the schematic can be found in several locations.
  • To acquire the Skunk Gun early on, head to the dropped down area just after escaping the falling elevator.
  • Look for a door that requires a fuse to open.
  • Use the fuse to open the door, defeat the enemies inside and climb through the air vent to reach the Botanical Recycling Room, where you’ll find the Skunk Gun schematic.
High Capacity MagazineAttaches two extra barrels400
StabilityIncreases clip size to a total of 10 rounds.400
Magnum Rounds DamageMore damage1200
Swarming RoundsUnlocks an alternate fire mode with homing rounds3600


  • The weapon has homing rounds that consume two rounds of ammo instead of one.
  • The high reload time of the weapon, combined with the ammo consumption, can lead to a lengthy reload process.
  • In situations where you need to reload and have enemies nearby, it is recommended to switch to another weapon instead of reloading.
  • Alternatively, make sure your health is full before engaging to minimize the risk of taking damage while reloading.

Tactical Pistol

  • The Tactical Pistol can be found in the Below chapter.
  • It is located in an underground area where the player wakes up hanging upside down.
  • To obtain the pistol, keep moving forward until you reach a room with spiked walls.
  • The enemies in the room will be blinded, allowing you to sneak past them to the other side by squeezing through a narrow doorway.
  • Towards the end of the room, you’ll find the Tactical Pistol on a desk.
Magnum Round DamageIncreases damage300
High Capacity MagazineBigger magazine900
StabilityLess recoil900
TK33 BurstUnlocks an alternate five round burst mode3600


  • While the overall DPS of the Tactical Pistol is low, it can deal a significant amount of damage quickly when combined with its burst mode.
  • To improve the weapon’s performance, it is recommended to upgrade the burst mode first, followed by stability, magnum rounds, and a larger magazine.
  • The pistol has a strong kickback after every shot, so it is essential to prioritize the stability upgrade as soon as possible.

Riot Gun

  • The Riot Gun is given to the player by Dani in the Below Chapter.
  • Compared to the Skunk Gun, the Riot Gun deals slightly less damage, but it has a better range that allows the player to engage enemies from a distance.
StabilityReduces recoil300
Magnum Rounds DamageIncreases damage300
High Capacity MagazineAttaches an eight-shot drum to the gun900
Explosive RoundsUnlocks an alternate fire mode with explosive rounds2700

Note: The burst mode deals a ton of damage but consumes four ammo per shot, so be careful when using it against a large group of enemies.

Assault Rifle

  • The Assault Rifle schematic can be found in the Colony level of the game.
  • The player will come across the schematic once they reach the miners’ settlement, which consists of container-style houses.
  • To obtain the schematic, keep traveling through the settlement until you reach a building with a “General Store” sign.
  • Go through the building to the other side, and the player will see a bathroom to the left with a flickering light.
  • The schematic for the Assault Rifle can be found in front of the mirrors in the bathroom.
High Capacity MagazineBigger magazine500
Magnum Rounds DamageDeals more damage1500
StabilityReduces weapon recoil4500
TK63 HomingUnlocks an alternate fire mode with homing rounds4500


  • The normal fire mode of the Assault Rifle has a lot of recoil, which can cause the player to waste ammo.
  • To mitigate this, it’s recommended to get the recoil upgrade as soon as possible.
  • The homing rounds, while dealing a lot of damage, consume two rounds per shot. 
  • It’s not recommended to use the full automatic mode with normal bullets, as the bullets tend to stray away from the target.
  • Full auto mode with homing rounds is more effective.

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