At this point, I think most people have resigned themselves to the fact that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the new open world instalment in Nintendo’s classic action adventure series, won’t be coming as a Switch launch title. Rather, it will be coming at some point later in 2017. But when will that later point be? Are Nintendo going to hold off on Zelda to have a big game for the Holidays?
Thankfully, it seems that nothing quite so dire will happen- at least, if one is to believe the listing for this game on the website of leading retailer Target (via Switch News). Target lists the game as launching on June 13, which I must admit is awfully specific to be just a placeholder date. It also lines up with the vague hints we have for the game’s release (around Summer), so this could be right- then again, June 13 is the first day of E3 too, and I doubt Nintendo would want the attention diverted from their big new game release.
We’ll have the final confirmation of Zelda‘s release date on January 12, hopefully, which is also when Nintendo will be announcing launch price, dates, and games for the Switch. Hopefully, Zelda is nearer June than November.