Xbox debuted in 2001 and finished as the second best selling console of that generation. It showcased what power Microsoft could harness at the time and was the most powerful console out of the big three. Graphics since Xbox have evolved from Halo’s open, yet empty world to Xbox 360’s isolated, monster crawling Gears of War, all the way to fast paced, smooth and beautiful tracks of Forza Motorsport 6 on the Xbox One.
The evolution of these graphics are not to show what was once ugly to what is now beautiful. It is to showcase works of art and how this industry is always growing, learning, thriving, and working hard to achieve something better than what once was. Simply put: it’s human nature to grow. Enjoy a look at the evolution of graphics from the original Xbox to Xbox One.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Original Xbox
Ninja Gaiden: Black
In 2004 Ninja Gaiden: Black was released on the original Xbox. Using stealth and ninja skills, while throwing in a bunch of beat-’em-up action (obviously), Black took a dark approach with heavy shadows, saturated, bleak designs and dirty browns to darken the atmosphere. From time to time it would brighten up locations with a little bit of blood splattered about. It’s nice to experiment with colors.