11bit Studios’ emotionally devastating This War of Mine is currently free to play on Steam. If you’ve never had your heart broken or just want a healthy dose of misery, we recommend it checking it out. The Anniversary Edition will be free until April 8th to celebrate the forthcoming release of the studio’s survival city builder Frostpunk.
If you enjoy the game and want to purchase it, then there’s currently a 70 percent discount on the Anniversary Edition. For good measure, you can pick up The Little Ones DLC for 50 percent off as well. These deals will only last until April 9th and the Stories DLC and Season Pass doesn’t have any discounts.
Despite the heavy subjective matter of civilians struggling to survive in a city under siege, This War of Mine has sold 2.5 million copies on Steam and won numerous awards. 11bit’s Frostpunk will be releasing on April 24th for PC.