3. Mega Man X & Mega Man X2:
This two for one run was done by DeHackEd, a gamer who has a bit of a speedy soft spot for the Mega Man series. Since he couldn’t pick just one ,why not do both of them at the same time? Both of these runs are really impressive, however it all happens so quickly you might as well watch the video more than once just so you can pay attention to each run.
Not too much slows this guy down, as he moved past enemies he doesn’t have time to kill and goes right for the levels end bosses. I think it takes me about 8 minutes to beat one of these end-level bosses, let alone the entire game. These runs are pretty impressive to watch. This is a great run to watch for any Mega Man fans out there. Capcom sure isn’t putting in their dues for this classic franchise but at least someone is.