Fallout 4 is amazing, much like that hot little sportscar you have in your driveway. You know what makes it even better? Mods. And even if you don’t have a sportscar, you can rest assured that Fallout 4‘s mods will do things that the modern automotive industry wouldn’t dare dream of. Here are 15 must-have Fallout 4 mods that you shouldn’t be without. Memory wipes for Thomas the Tank Engine nightmares not included. Also note that these mods are only available for PC users. Sorry console friends – your time will come soon.
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Robot Home Defence
Why add turrents and electrified mines to your settlement when you can have an army of robots at your beck and call? With this mod, you can have Protectrons, Assaultrons, Sentry Bots and many more robots to build and repel invaders. The mod also offers some good utilities like Utility Protectrons for parts scavenging or Mister Handies that will boost settlement happiness.