Blizzard has announced a new feature coming to World of Warcraft. Dubbed the Trading Post, the studio has published a post on its official website explaining the feature. The Trading Post is currently available to check out on World of Warcraft‘s Public Test Realms.
Found in the Alliane capital city of Stormwind and Horde capital city of Orgrimmar, the Trading Post essentially allows players to buy cosmetic items, including armors, mounts, weapons, and toys, by spending a special new currency.
Interestingly, the Trading Post will feature older cosmetic items that seem to be no longer attainable in the game. It appears that Blizzard might use the feature to bring in things like the old World of Warcraft TCG mounts, and other promotional items that can no longer be attained in the game.
This new currency, Trader’s Tender, can be earned by completing activities in the new Traveler’s Log which is also coming to the game alongside the Trading Post. Around 500 Trader’s Tender can also be earned just by visiting the Trading Post every month.
The Traveler’s Log will provide players with a variety of challenges and objectives to complete, rewarding them with Trader’s Tenders depending on the challenge levels of these objectives and activities. The Trading Post and Traveler’s Log are reset every month with new items to buy and new objectives to complete.