Xbox founder Nat Brown who was involved in the first Xbox’ conceptualization has slammed the Xbox 360 in a blog post.
The post was titled “Stupid, Stupid Xbox!!” and features a lengthy rant about how Microsoft is not capitalizing on Kinect’s success and Microsoft’s new direction with the brand.
“I was a founder of the original Xbox project at Microsoft and gave it its name,” he wrote. “But the past 5 years, and the last year in particular, have been simply painful to watch. Coasting on past momentum. Failing to innovate and failing to capitalize on innovations like Kinect.
“Touting strategic and market success when you’re just experiencing your competitor’s stumbling failure (yes, Sony, Nintendo – you are, I’m afraid, stumbling failures). A complete lack of tactical versus strategic understanding of the long game of the living room.”
He further criticzes Microsoft’s gameplan with the Xbox 360.
“No, more and better content was always the point and the plan. My gripe is that, as usual, Microsoft has jumped its own shark and is out stomping through the weeds planning and talking about far-flung future strategies in interactive television and original programming partnerships with big dying media companies when their core product, their home town is on fire, their soldiers, their developers, are tired and deserting, and their supply-lines are broken.”
He makes some sense. You can read the whole article here. Tell us what you think in the comments section below.