Detroit: Become Human Length is “About 8 to 10 Hours”

But creator David Cage promises a "lot of replay value".

Posted By | On 18th, Jun. 2016

Detroit Become Human (2)

Quantic Dream’s Detroit: Become Human will be the length of your standard game from the developer but will boast a ton of replay value according to director David Cage.

Speaking to IGN at E3 2016, Cage noted that the game would average about “eight to ten hours” in gameplay length like Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls but promised that it “will have a lot of replayability value. This game is much more banding…than any game we have done before. We just wanted to push the envelope on pretty much everything in the game from the visuals, to the branching narrative, to everything.”

He also noted that the game doesn’t end if a character dies. “There is no ‘game over’ in this game. If you die with one character, it’s lost.”

That being said, Cage hopes players just play the game and accept whatever consequences they face before going back to try other outcomes. Detroit: Become Human is currently in development for PS4 but no release date has been announced yet.

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