Since Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain released, one of the most interesting things about the game is that it appears there was more content than anyone could have fathomed. [Possible spoilers ahead] This was recently underlined by the fact that missions such as Kingdom of the Flies was actually cut from the final game, despite the fact that it appeared to be very close to finished. There was also a third chapter titled “Peace” that wasn’t actually included in the game as well.
Now it appears that Konami is actually teasing the fact that players of this massive title actually haven’t seen everything. Just what that means is anyone’s guess but yet another scene has surfaced recently and Konami’s Community Manager Robert Allen Peeler is being rather cagey about whether or not the scene was cut or is buried in a way that will allow players to see it if they do things just the right way. While the actual scene has since been taken down from YouTube [however we have a mirror here], one Twitter user was able to show it to Peeler and asked him to explain. When he replied “cutscene in the game, don’t really want to spoil anything about it,” the user responded back with “definitely not in the game,” and Peeler egged him on saying “if you say so.”
A bit more of a back and forth between Peeler and the user eventually got Konami’s CM to explain that with the game that “is huge as it is, but players haven’t done everything, if someone got this scene naturally, this early, I’m impressed” He then detailed a couple of ways in which people could work towards bringing this scene out. The bottom line is that there appears to be yet another ending though only a small portion of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain players will ever see it. It seems that this one is tied to FOBs and the players themselves, however we are not sure how to get this cutscene.
It seems there is still much to discover in the game if Robert is to believed. The mind boggles at the possibilities…is there more incoming? Time will tell.