Earlier today, we reported that Konami had confirmed that Metal Gear Solid 5‘s episode 51 was not going to be the ending– which begs the question as to what the datamined Chapter 3 card that has been so widely circulated since last year is.
With the Definitive Edition now having been confirmed to not have any extra content, most MGS fans at this point have given up hope that The Phantom Pain‘s missing content will ever see the light of day. However, just because it does not have any extra content does not mean that it will not have Chapter 3- which may sound contradictory, but Robert Allen Peeler, Online Community Manager for the Metal Gear franchise, has hinted that Chapter 3 may be nothing more than nuclear disarmament, a widely known endgame goal of The Phantom Pain since last year, on Twitter. In response to a fan trying to speculate on what Peeler may have meant, he also said ‘the simplest answer is… the correct one, no need to overthink it.’
On Reddit, he also said that the team sees no reason to remove the datamined Chapter 3: Peace card at this point, since it’s so widely in circulation anyway. Speaking about what would happen if disarmament was achieved, he also said that nuclear disarmament is something that he would like to see happen, but it’s entirely up to the players to trigger that. That said, he did refuse to commit to something actually happening when disarmament actually happens.
Meanwhile, the Metal Gear official Twitter account noted that the development team has no plans to trigger the disarmament cutscenes manually- so if players can achieve global nuclear disarmament, good on them. If not, looks like we may never get to see the disarmament peace ending officially.
Metal Gear Solid 5 is now available on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, and PC, with the Definitive Edition releasing on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in October.
it contains the same nuclear disarmament goals as the initial release so…
— Robert Allen Peeler (@popcicle) August 30, 2016
the simplest answer is likely the correct one, no need to overthink it
— Robert Allen Peeler (@popcicle) August 30, 2016
It's up to players to fulfill nuclear disarmament or not. I'd like to see it happen personally but its not required
— Robert Allen Peeler (@popcicle) August 30, 2016
Id like to be clear, but for this, I'd rather not stipulate on what, if anything, happens with nuclear disarmament
— Robert Allen Peeler (@popcicle) August 30, 2016
I understood, the team has no current plans to manually unlock cutscenes for players
— METAL GEAR OFFICIAL (@Metalgear) August 30, 2016
@x55StarGeneralx @popcicle we have no plans to force nuclear weapon ownership
— METAL GEAR OFFICIAL (@metalgear_en) August 30, 2016