Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Warcraft III is not so much of a revolution as it is of an evolution. It doesn’t do anything that hasn’t been done before in the RTS genre, but what Blizzard tries to accomplish here, it accomplishes perfectly. A brilliant story, a plethora of units and all sorts of stuff to choose from, deep, addicting gameplay, an amazing multiplayer component, a great campaign and overall brilliant gameplay make Warcraft III one of the best RTS’s to have ever been released.
Age of Mythology
Age of Empires was already a fantastic series, but its best entry ever is not even a canon AoE title. It’s a spin-off- Age of Mythology. From the very moment you start up the game and have a look at the intro cutscene, you know you’re in for one hell of a ride. An amazing single player campaign, spectacular maps to keep you busy for hundreds of hours and some really enjoyable cheats, Age of Mythology has to be one of the best games to have been released- ever.
Rise of Nations
Rise of Nations and Age of Empires were Microsoft’s two main trump cards. And both of them were awesome as hell. Rise of Nations, however, was catered to suite the more hardcore RTS fan. Strategizing, thinking, using long drawn tactics to ultimately wipe out your enemy- it was all a very addicting experience. The gameplay was rock solid, and the single player campaign was pretty good as well. If you have been foolish enough till not to avoid this game, I would suggest you get it now.