Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – Core Crystals
Whenever you hear praise about Xenoblade Chronicles, it’s often for the first game. This isn’t to say that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is terrible – in fact, it’s really good but there are several issues. The Core Crystals mechanic is one of the biggest. Imagine having a wide roster of Blades, which are essentially new party members, to unlock. Yes, there are both cool and downright absurd designs, but now imagine you need to collect materials – Core Crystals, in this case – to unlock them.
But you don’t even straight-up “unlock” them. Instead, you’re “rolling” for certain Blades with the rarity of the Core Crystal determining your chances of higher rarity Blades (and no, you can’t control who you unlock). Now imagine the Legendary Core Crystals, the highest tier of the bunch, having lower drop chances themselves (with only slightly better chances when beating Superbosses). If this all sounds gacha-esque, that’s because it is. It’s just so jarring and completely unnecessary, especially when you’ve paid full price for an offline single-player title like this.