For all the criticism that open world games receive, they are incredibly hard to design. It’s not easy packing a title with enough content to satisfy fans – now add open environments with tons of stuff to do on the side and characters going about their business. Oh and make sure it has enough attention to detail, compelling activities and random events, and collectibles to keep one interested.
With every entertaining and well-designed open world game, there are several that feel mundane, awkward or terribly put together. Let’s take a look at 10 of the most boring open world titles.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint
If there’s one thing that stuck out the most when first playing Ghost Recon Breakpoint at launch, it’s how utterly dead Auroa felt. There was no seemingly no semblance of normal day-to-day life with environments that felt sterile and samey. Sure, the setting had a lot to do with it, whether it was the whole “island belonging to a military contractor” or the occupation by Colonel Walker and the Wolves forcing much of the populace into hiding. But it seems like this was all done just to reinforce the Skell Tech drones as the true indigenous life (and it doesn’t help that the Wolves were fairly disposable as well). Combine all of this with boring activities and a terrible storyline, not to mention tons of bugs and copy-paste outposts, and you’ll beg for Wildlands’ Bolivia. New paid content and updates including the return of AI squadmates helped improve the overall experience but it was a disaster at launch.