Crackdown is a franchise that has always hinted at greatness, and yet never quite managed to achieve it. The first game was a fun open world romp, while the second was also an enjoyable enough experience, even though it disappointed many with its numerous flaws and the fact that it didn’t really take the franchise forward the way it should have. Crackdown 3 though, is the most disappointing of the lot. After a protracted development cycle and multiple delays, the game came out to widespread criticism- it wasn’t a terrible game by any means, but it was middling at best. Its open world felt thoroughly outdated, its missions and story were dull and boring, and all that talk about cloud-powered destruction in its multiplayer turned out to be not entirely accurate. Crackdown 3 disappointed on multiple levels, and after three instalments that have been mediocre at worst and fun yet forgettable at best, one can’t help but wonder why we should keep giving it chances.