7. Tactical Nuke (Modern Warfare 2)
When Call of Duty 4 introduced kill streaks to the FPS formula, it was a revolution that many similar titles have since copied. When Modern Warfare 2 came along it took the kill streak to its absolute extreme. If you can manage to get 25 kills without dying (which is a mean feat to say the least) then you are awarded with the tac nuke that will instantly win you the game. The worst part is that, should you be on the receiving end of it, the nuke counts down to your imminent loss; just so you can revel in your frustration. Respect to TheSandyRavge for the upload.
6. Omnislash (Final Fantasy 7)
JRPGs tend to be full of secret special moves that kick ass, but none quite match up to Cloud’s omnislash. Obtaining the secret limit break requires you to completely dominate the battle arena in the Golden Saucer and, believe me when I say, it feels like a real achievement when you get it. Even if you aren’t able to earn it, you get the chance to finish off the final fight against Sephiroth using the move. The finishing move that ends a game as huge as FF7 certainly deserves a place on this list. Cheers to Heke62 for this classic footage.
5. Fatalities (Mortal Kombat)
When Mortal Kombat arrived in 1992 it received huge press for its violence and gore. Despite its negative image in the eyes of parents worldwide, most kids growing up in that generation flocked to MK to get their rebellious fix of gratuitous violence. This resulted in an entire army of youths religiously reciting the combos required for the special fatalities that each character had. These moves didn’t even aid you in actually damaging your opponent. They were, like all good finishers, designed to solely to humiliate your adversary and crush their spirit indefinitely. Thanks to Thyen for the compilation vid.