4. What is going on?
In this video, a bunch of NPCs are… err, examining a dead body under a woman’s feet. Crazy, right? I mean, what the hell was that? Are they looting the body? Or examining it? We have no idea here.
5. Why Do You Think I Live On This Mountain?
Slight story spoilers ahead: Paarthurnax is the greatest dragon ever created — this is an undeniable fact, and if you don’t believe us, it’s clear that you have never met him. As you can see in the video, the dragon’s words can send a chill down your spine. Yes, this is completely epic, and also strange in a way.
6. Lunacy at its finest
This NPC has clearly lost it. Cicero wears a jester clothing and acts like he is completely deranged, but that’s what makes him awesome! He is a vital character in the game; you will encounter him when you start the The Dark Brotherhood questline. And trust us, he is completely crazy.
7. You’ve probably heard this a million times already
It’s time for another adventure of a Skyrim guard; unfortunately it doesn’t end up too well for him. But before that, you can hear the greatest meme ever which Skyrim managed to give to the world. Greater even than Oblivion’s “Stop right there, criminal scum!”