God of War: Ascension was recently announced and while it managed to shock everyone by being a prequel to all the God of War games, the interest in the franchise seemed to be waning a little. Of course that could change once a new gameplay trailer is shown.
Here are 10 things we want to see in the game that will make sure that it ends up being better than God of War 3. It has to be noted that Stig Asmussen is no longer the game director, and Todd Pappy takes his place.
Lots of gore
Gore is a staple of the God of War franchise. God of War 3 exceeded all boundaries in this respect by featuring some of the most brutal moves ever; tearing off a head or pulling out an eye, it had everything, but we want more. Why, you ask? – Because that’s the way to play this game, and it works.
Complex combat
Combat in God of War games has mostly been criticized by many for being too simple and generic, and we agree. It was never the intention of developers to go for a complex combat which are seen in games like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta, but we want a combat system like that. Simple combat makes it less satisfying and we hope God of War: Ascension changes this.
Hugely upgraded visuals
God of War 3 has the best looking visuals on the PS3, and that is a fact. Of course, some people may say Uncharted 2, but the image quality in God of War 3 was never seen before on a console. While it was Santa Monica’s first game on the PS3, there is a lot of scope for improvement and God of War: Ascension may turn out to be their best work yet.