Nearly two years have come since the world debut of both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. We’ve already seen an incredible number of amazing games both triple A and indie. From the colorful, post-apocalyptic, streets of Sunset Overdrive on Xbox One to the gritty, merciless deathtraps of Bloodborne on PlayStation 4. Nothing says new gen like a beautiful, mesmerizing game we can all relate to.
Within these first two years, however, there have been a number of awful titles that just didn’t meet the criteria of what we as gamers have come to expect from a new generation title. What’s more are sequels and follow ups we all hope and crave will make our wildest dreams come true– but ultimately fail us in the end.
We’re going to focus on 14 titles on new gen systems [PS4 and Xbox One] that may not necessarily be bad, but definitely didn’t live up to it’s predecessor(s). It’s a shame that many of these games have been worked on for several years, but still failed to live up to the standards of what could have been.
To answer your question that you won’t ask until you come across that one game you thought was perfect: Yes! There will be some excellent games on this list as well. They just didn’t live up to their former game. So just be prepared to sit back, jump up in rage from time to time, but ultimately remember that even the best games are perfect.
The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do no necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Ghosts is the epitome of “meh”. It defines what is takes to make a game bland, repetitive and filled with over used, stereotypical, and down right boring ideas. From its lackluster single player to it’s dull multiplayer, Ghosts continued the franchises downward spiral into bargain bin gaming. Add to that the expensive season pass and we have ourselves a game that could range anywhere from $60 to well over $100 and it quickly became the laughing stock of next gen launch titles.