Every now and again, a game comes up with an attacking move that is either so useful, or so awesome, that once we’ve used it once, we just can’t stop using it. Either to get out of tight situations, or deal immense levels of damage, or maybe just to watch those incredible effects and animations again, we find ourselves falling back on these moves, again, and again, and again.
God of War has always been a power fantasy, a series that focuses on visceral, brutal combat, and replacing Kratos’ chained blades with an axe did nothing to change that. Perhaps the attack that is the most fun to use in the new God of War is the charged heavy attack. As Kratos brings the axe up and gathers all his strength to bring it down in one heavy blow to cleave through his enemy, you can feel the controller vibrating in your hand with immense power- it’s immensely satisfying. Maybe even the the single most satisfying move in the entire game.