For as long as games have existed, they have toyed with the idea of letting players explore fascinating worlds, big and small, futuristic and medieval, and everything in between, and though there’s certainly incredible value in linear experiences as well, something about exploration-heavy games just appeals so much to so many. In this feature, we’re going to talk about a few games that put most of their emphasis on letting players explore their worlds, and thoroughly rewarding them for it.
The idea of deep sea exploration is dangerous and exciting at the same time- Abzu is a game that focuses entirely on the latter, putting players into a vast underwater environment and letting you go in whichever direction you please at any time you want. Given how rewarding exploration feels in Abzu, you always want to see more of the game’s gorgeous world, unlock more of its environments. It might not be the flashiest game in this group, but it’s one that you definitely need to play nonetheless.