Much as we’ll praise the characters, stories and mechanics of a game, it’s the levels that can ultimately make or break the experience. Sometimes those levels don’t just exist in a vacuum – they’re part of a larger cohesive whole that constitutes a city. Today we’re taking a look at some of the best cities in video games. Whether it’s their atmosphere or the overall range of activities, these cities are worth revisiting time and again.
Gotham City – Batman: Arkham Knight
Say what you will about the Batmobile and the Arkham Knight’s issues but Gotham City was pretty fun to explore. Areas like the ACE Chemicals facility was incredibly fleshed out, the sheer sense of scale as you glided past skyscrapers was great, and there were enough interesting side quests and villains to keep things fresh. Yes, fighting drones got boring and some villains like Hush had rather anti-climatic endings but this was Gotham City captured in its most grim, gothic form.