Video games have a unique strength that no other entertainment medium does, in that they transport us to fantastic, interesting locations, and make us feel thoroughly immersed in them. In this feature, we’re going to talk about what have been fifteen of our favourite locations in video games in the last few years, whether that’s because of the number of things we can do in them, or because of their atmosphere, or a strong visual design. For the sake of convenience, we’re going to be looking at recent games only (otherwise we’d have to make a top 100 list). Also keep in kind that when we say locations, we’re talking about very specific locations within the games, not entire maps. So don’t expect to see the likes of “Los Santos” or “Hyrule” included in here- the scope of the locations we’re talking about is much smaller.
NOTE: There might be slight location-specific spoilers ahead for the games mentioned.
The entirety of Ancient Greece in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey is huge, varied, and absolutely breathtaking, but the moment when you first lay your eyes on Athens in the distance will stay with you forever. The huge, bustling city has incredible structures littered all around that you can look at and climb on top of all day long, while the city itself is also home to a large number of excellent activities, from quests, to side quests, to enemy bases to be cleared out, and much more.