The End – Metal Gear Solid 3
The Metal Gear Solid games are known for having some absolutely ludicrous bosses, and the eccentric nature of the games allows for equally ludicrous methods for defeating such bosses. The End can be a difficult boss to take down, although you can easily do it if you have the right tools. As you reach the Ponizovje South area, keep swimming until you reach a junction. First turn left, which will lead you to the Ponizovje West area. Dispatch the enemy guards around the entrance of the area, and finally enter the locker room which houses a sniper rifle. Go back to the junction, and this time move towards the north which will lead you to an enemy base. Equip your sniper at the start of the fight, and aim at The End. Fire off a couple of shots to his head, which will spell his demise. In this way, the boss fight won’t even happen and instead of facing The End you will need to fight a few GRU soldiers.