2011 was a momentous year for video games, more so than anything else because of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Bethesda came along and completely blew everyone away, popularizing a style of open world and emergent gameplay that had rarely been executed properly in games before. You don’t need us to tell you how ridiculously popular Skyrim is, even six years since it first launched, and it’s pretty clear that Bethesda knows that as well. The game continues to be relevant even today, which is evidenced by the fact that its several re-releases are still doing well, both critically and commercially.
Some might say that Bethesda are milking Skyrim, though, and it’s a little hard to argue with that notion. Sure, the game’s still as fun today as it was when it first came out, but Bethesda are really missing no opportunity to make as much money out of this excellent game as they can- or maybe they are. So if you’re somehow watching this, people at Bethesda, here are fifteen more ways you can milk Skyrim just a little bit more (not that we mind).
NOTE: Just in case some of you don’t catch on, a lot of this is just for comedic purposes, so try not to take us seriously.
Well, this is kind of obvious, and it’s also something that already happens to some extent. Merchandising is done for most popular games, and there are very few games that are more popular than Skyrim. From action figures and t-shirts to keychains and coffee cups, there’s lots of potential here for Bethesda. I mean, who in their right minds wouldn’t buy Skyrim themed knee guards?