Games are meant to be fun. They’re also meant to be challenging. Heck, at times they can be hard as well, nudging you towards a larger amount of challenges as you may so desire to complete. And then there are games who’s very foundation is built on challenging gameplay. Those are the games for the hardcore. But then there are other games – the games that outright hate you.
These games are built to frustrate you. They’re built to make you seethe deep down and outright hate playing games in general. There are perhaps hundreds of games out there built specifically to irritate people and it’s crazy how some of the most popular games weren’t meant to be difficult to begin with. Games like The Unfair Platformer and Give Up though? What the hell?. Check out our picks for the top 15 most frustrating games you will ever play.
QWOP is a funny game that stops being funny all too soon. You play as a track racer representing a fictional country that can only be controlled via four keys. Q and W control your right and left thighs while O and P control your right and left legs. Or maybe it’s the other way around, then inverted and reversed. Or maybe this game just plain hates you.
Try to take a sprint and your character unapologetically concusses himself by flipping forward. Your best bet is to take little mini-lunges to the finish line which feels light years away. To add insult to injury? You won’t get any music till you break out into full sprint and risk permanent brain damage. And you thought the Olympics were harsh.