There are plenty of reasons to be excited for a new year, and plenty of reasons to celebrate as we send off the old year and bring in the new. Plenty of us go out with friends and family, to enjoy the festivities with just a bit of the warmth left from the holiday season in us.
Much of the same can be said for gaming too. While there have been some great RPG games in 2013, with a new year comes new games to play, some to share with friends and some to enjoy from the warmth of a brand new console generation. Some of the titles that are coming are continuations of a franchise, other are a fresh start with a new story. Whatever you’re into there is probably going to be an RPG in our little list that should tickle your fancy, even if it’s not coming out right at the turn of the new year, you’ll have something to look forward to in 2014.
Note: This list consists of one unannounced title.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt:
Gamers getting their hands on the new Witcher title is a pretty exciting proposition. Even at a glance, the game is absolutely gorgeous. The game’s gritty subject matter, just like always doesn’t seem to shy away from the more gruesome and gory bits of combat. Just like the previous Witcher titles, it’s also going to be presenting the player with a plethora of choices and decisions, from skills to quests and even dialogue. Developers, CD Projekt Red is also pretty confident in their ability to please gamers.
The PC version is DRM free and will look absolutely stunning. While it’s obviously not going to be a pushover on the new consoles, this game’s really going to shine on the PC platform, which is what the developers have intended. Be warned though, if you haven’t played any of the Witcher titles yet, go back and do so if you’re interested in this game. The Witcher 3 is the conclusion to the story arc that started in the first game and while you may really enjoy the eye-candy, you’re going to have a hell of a time following the plot if you’ve missed the first two titles. Sure, you could watch a Youtube re-cap or something like that, but where is the fun in that?