DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 has pretty much collapsed thanks to an inane campaign, sordid microtransactions, an idiotic progression system even in the absence of pay to win elements, and some pretty badly balanced maps. But hey, at least there are some neat secrets and references to discover. That counts for something, right? Let’s take a look at 15 such secrets of Star Wars Battlefront 2. Spoilers are, of course, included.
Corona Squadron and Second Death Star
The campaign of Star Wars Battlefront 2 is pretty linear for the most part but at least Motive Studios, who created the campaign, did its best to connect it to the rest of the series. Take the prologue mission where Iden is sneaking through some vents and overhears a few Rebels talking about the attack on the second Death Star and Corona Squadron. This is the same squadron that took down the AT-AT in the Battle of Hoth. Which did next to nothing to save Hoth but hey, it’s the effort that counts.