Pokemon Sun/Moon are almost here- the seventh entry in one of the biggest franchises in video gaming launches next week, and this new game promises to be a special one indeed. Every Pokemon game is, of course, an occasion, but Pokemon Sun/Moon look to be big releases even by the standards of Pokemon– they’re the franchise’s 20th anniversary celebration games, they’re releasing in the wake of Pokemon GO reviving global interest in Pokemon, and they’re likely to be Game Freak’s last hurrah on the Nintendo 3DS.
Given all of this, Sun/Moon needed to be something special to live up to their billing. Thankfully enough, from what we know of the games, they will do just that. Here are fifteen things that promise to make Pokemon Sun/Moon a very special game, that you must know about ahead of the game’s launch.
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
Technically, Pokemon X/Y were the first 3D games in the series, and they were long overdue- but X/Y (and their successors OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire)’s transition to 3D was mostly aesthetic. They looked 3D, and the camera was finally freed from its top down isometric view, but the games were still stuck to the archaic eight way grid movement that has long defined the series, and they were still not to scale, so that a player could very well be half the height of a building- meaning the 3D was more for looks than for any actual meaningful gameplay evolution.
Pokemon Sun/Moon promise the series’ first jump into true 3D. The entire world is now to scale, meaning everything is exactly as big or small in relation to other things as it should be, and the games are finally freed from grid based movement. You finally get full freedom to move however you want! Hallelujah.