Skyrim is one of those games that was very well received when it first came out, but has slowly declined in popularity over the years. Opinion on the fifth Elder Scrolls game is more divided than ever, and with Bethesda releasing a remastered version later this year, what better time than to look at some of the game’s issues?
Make no mistake: Skyrim isn’t a terrible game by any stretch. But it’s not the game hardcore Elder Scrolls players wanted, and they’re perfectly justified in their criticisms. Well, mostly anyway. Why not take a look at our list and tell us what you think?
Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
The Story
Okay, this is more something every can get behind. Skyrim’s story lacks the kind of depth that the series has always been known for. It gets off to a great start, leading you to believe you have to juggle the Skyrim Civil War with the return of dragons. In reality though, the civil war is relegated to a meaningless side quest, and the dragons are actually being brought back by two dimensional, genocidal cult.