While we usually associated role-playing games with in-depth stories, strong characterization, stats, leveling systems and whatnot, they can also be some of the toughest games to play. Some of them have obscure systems which take time to learn or tough bosses to defeat. And then there are some that wear their difficulty on their sleeve, encouraging you to rage non-stop. Let’s take a look at 15 of the hardest RPGs ever made.
Dark Souls
Your mileage may vary but the first Dark Souls remains a challenge to this day. Many of the initial problems lay in managing stamina, learning enemy patterns, knowing where to dodge and striking at the right time. However, even after the early tussle with the Taurus Demon, far greater challenges await with the likes of Ornstein and Smough. For all of its difficulty, Dark Souls drew us in with a compelling story, tout world-building and environmental design that is always fun to revisit.