We’ve covered all kinds of bosses lately. Disgusting bosses, anticlimactic bosses, bosses that keep coming back for more, you get the drift. However, there’s a special kind of boss that warrants attention for their inability to die, at least legitimately and in certain parts of certain games. So while they may be invulnerable in one fight, you can probably best them later. For other situations though, let’s look at 15 video game bosses that you can’t kill, no matter what. Warning: The word “impossible” and variations of it are repeated a lot.
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Fortune (1st Battle) – Metal Gear Solid 2
It’s not like “Lady Luck” Fortune is the toughest boss to kill in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. She possesses a portable rail gun that can rip you apart easily but damaging her initially is impossible because bullets simply don’t hit her. Chalk this up to an electromagnetic device on her person that can deflect bullets and even disable nearby explosives. Whatever the case may be, just don’t waste your bullets in the early going.