If you’ve played Shadow of the Colossus, it’s likely that you have one of very two extreme opinions about Dirge, the tenth Colossus. You either love it or you hate it. Either way, you probably do not expect it to be a very tough encounter, because while every Colossus in the game is a huge, mountainous figure, the actual act of taking them out is more a matter of finding the right strategy and then executing it, and is rarely ever challenging in and of itself. With Dirge, though, you’re being chased around by a massive snake that can slither its way underground, and gives you a very short window of opportunity to shoot it in its week spot while you’re galloping away from it on horseback. Sure, a lot of the challenge might have to do with the fact that the game’s controls seem to be at odds with what it wants you to do, but it’s still a challenge you do not expect.