You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself quote The Dark Knight too many times. In order to be relatable, we need to see our heroes struggle, just like we do in our day to day existences. No victory could be felt without failure. Sometimes however, that victory can come at a cost, or the best intentions lead a good person in a very different direction. These fallen heroes and secret villains surprised us all with just where their motivations laid and what those led them to. Beware spoilers ahead and tell us some of your favourites in the comments below.
Arthas – Warcraft 3
The tragic tale of Crown Prince Arthas Menethil, knight of the Silver Hand was a man of principal, and who’s tragic fall came from his deeply seated sense of duty to his people. His ever more desperate bids to keep the kingdom of Lordaeron from falling to the Plague of Undeath caused him to take up the cursed blade Frostmourne, which led to the once proud hero eventually becoming the dreaded Lich King.