Diablo 3, Overwatch and other Blizzard titles also on sale for Black Friday.
The virtual ticket costs $49.99 and also includes in-game items for StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3.
Still some more tragic stories than Darth Vader.
"What's Next" for Overwatch, Diablo, Heartstone and more will also be revealed.
It wasn't just the controller that was busted with these examples.
All out nuclear warfare.
These games can take some time to master but are absolutely worth it in the end.
Overwatch, World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo, and more will take centre stage.
What could Blizzard have planned for Gamescom?
Play of the game, on the go.
Constant connectivity even during single-player? The industry has this and much more.
Tickets will go on sale for $199 each on May 9th and 12th.
To celebrate StarCraft's 20th anniversary, numerous Blizzard games will receive free items.
Cheaters, hackers or straight up toxicity - these games have banned their fair share of offenders.
How many hours of grinding or pay to win mechanics are there in StarCraft 2?
Blizzard's biggest event of the year will feature tons of new announcements.
World of Warcraft, Diablo 3, StarCraft 2, Hearthstone and more will also be at Gamescom.
Or other Battle.net content if you want.
New co-op mission also available.
The quest to legitimize eSports continues.