The previous generation of gaming, the PlayStation 2 era, was a very active one. One new IP after next was launched regularly, and most of the times, these new IPs were awesome. There were also some old franchises that continued into the previous gen with notable results. However, despite critical acclaim and- most of the times- great commercial success, many of these franchises haven’t seen the light of the day in the current gaming generation.
Here’s a list of eight awesome IPs from last gen that haven’t received any sequels till now, but should definitely get one, at the very least.
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Beyond Good and Evil
Yes, a sequel is expected for Beyond Good and Evil, but we’ve heard very little of it so far, and there’s not much to go on. For all practical purposes, Beyond Good and Evil is still a one game franchise. And it’s a shame. The original game was an instant classic, and I’m surprised Ubisoft hasn’t made a huge franchise out of it so far.
Jak and Daxter Trilogy
Technically, we have received a sequel for the Jak and Daxter series- two, actually. While Daxter and The Lost Frontier were both released this gen, Daxter was more of a spinoff (however awesome it may have been), and The Lost Frontier… well, we’d rather not talk about it. We want an actual, full fledged instalment. We want Jak 4, we want a Jak game this gen that doesn’t suck.
Jade Empire
Sure, Jade Empire wasn’t up to BioWare’s usual standards, and when you compare it to other last gen BioWare games like Baldur’s Gate and Knights of the Old Republic, Jade Empire was kind of a letdown. But when viewed individually, it was actually a great, thrilling action-adventure game with a rich universe. I sure do expect to see a Jade Empire 2 in the future, since BioWare themselves have hinted at a sequel.