Hideo Kojima has been heralded as one of the greatest and most influential directors and writers in the video game industry. For good measure too. His latest works have proven just how much an influence and harbinger of change he can be. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes was a mash of some heart wrenching sequences coupled with a good gameplay.
Ground Zeroes is the prologue to MGS V:The Phantom Pain, and it’s been said to tackle some really mature themes and take up taboos. If Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain’s trailer are anything to go by, the actual game is going to be one dark twisted game. It’s about time that the game industry treat its members with the maturity and some solid ‘ground reality’. Since Kojima is already past the tepid ground with his adamant approach, drawing criticism and appreciation alike, we have a few things that we’d really like to see in the upcoming game. Things that really bring to front the dark side of war and make you squirm with disgust and odium. Ten controversial things that we look forward to in MGS V: The Phantom Pain.
Note: Although we would like to see these sensitive topics in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom, we believe that they should only be included if Konami and Kojima Productions are able to fully justify it and not just for the sake of it.
Child Militia
Childhood is a tender age. Unfortunately, humanity realises that very well and some people utilise it to the utmost. Since more than half the world’s terrorist organisations have barely teenage children as recruits, there’s no reason why child terrorists shouldn’t have found a way into the game. The Phantom Pain’s trailer shows a bunch of kids who have barely seen a dozen springs, handling AKs. It brings forth a reality, that has been known for long.
Child militia somehow acts as a deterrent for war soldiers and I would really like to see how Kojima has incorporated this factor in the game, pitting Snake and his comrades against kids, a fraction of their ages, pointing guns in their direction, ready to spill blood at a moment’s notice.